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My MegaCon Experience 2024 – ICC Magazine

My MegaCon Experience 2024




So, Megacon 2024 was the very first event that I attended in 2024. It was crowded. I googled the attendance number today and found that over 140,000 people attended MC this year, which according to stats is record breaking. I can absolutely attest to that number, and I just went on one day. I attended the event on Saturday which is normally the most crowded day of the enormous event and believe you me, it was elbow to elbow. In such an arena in the post pandemic and still active covid times I wore my mask. I do believe in safety. I also cosplayed due to the influence of my friends Nick and Jen. Yes, they talked me into it. That is the reason why my feet hurt today. The boots I wore become very uncomfortable about an hour into walking around. It is what it is.

I want to say I enjoyed it. I want to. I can say it was a lot of people in every direction and sometimes the crowd can interfere with one seeing everything, it’s safe to say that was a case with Megacon 2024. There were so many people in every direction at times it was hard to see a vendor or a booth. Now, that’s not to take away from the vendors, I’m sure some people had great sales, and that’s a good thing for them. I do know that some folks have difficulty sometimes with crowds, especially the waiting in lines, but for the most part everyone that I saw or encountered was handling it well.

There were so many cosplayers and people participating in events and panels it was almost overwhelming, but for a seasoned megaconer like myself, it’s just part of the show. We are used to it. As far as one could see there was something to do in every corner of the convention center. The food court was a relaxing area for some folks to take a break at times if they could, but even those tables were incredibly full of patrons, if you found a seat to sit down and relax or eat lunch, you were lucky, it was that packed. Elbow to elbow. Megacon draws all kinds of diverse crowds from Kids to teens to adults, it’s everyone. There is so much to see and enjoy. Really, MC has a lot for many people who enjoy everything from SCI FI to comics, to panels, cosplay and more.

There are tons and tons of booths selling tons and tons of merchandise. Collectables, toys, trinket, light sabers, swords, you name it. I don’t know what the square footage is of the event hall, but it’s thousands of feet, then there is the celebrity area. I’ve never seen that many celebrities at a con before, and their lines were very long, true fans are all I Can say.

The tattoo section is always packed too, and you can see fans getting tattoos on the spot. They have bands playing on stage. There are huge amounts of panels. Artist alley, which houses actual pro comic artists as well as indies. Artist alley is one of my favorite walkways for obvious reasons. I always enjoy each booth. People really love meeting the people who draw comics and created some of their favorite characters. I see a few of my fellow creators sometimes who get booths at Megacon and sell their products: Marcus Roberts, Alfred Paige, Martha Shwartz just to name a few, and so many more,  I’m sure they often acquire a brand-new fan base every year from this event. The amount of people and potential new fans for indy creators is astounding.

Photography and video are a huge part of MegaCon as well as you will see photographers and film makers in literally every foot of this place trying to capture the event as it happens. I too bring my camera and do a lot of filming, hence my video. You can see everything from podcasters, bloggers to news guys to self-reporting individuals all capturing the event. Always goods seeing my friends who cosplay too, Nick, Jen, Tabares, Lauren, Cindy and many more are always in attendance. These guys help to make my experience even better. Parking, now that’s another issue, so I had to do some ubering & taxing this year, just to be sure. It worked out. If you prepare for travel and lines before hand You are okay. If not, good luck.

Megacon takes a lot of coordination and preparation, and as fans sometimes we don’t see that, we just see the final product and enjoy it for all that it’s worth. Your passes can range from the standard one-day admission to a VIP all 4 day pass. The prices vary, but there is something for everyone to enjoy.

What Can I say about MC 2024? It was a lot going on and a lot of people is how I would best describe it.  It’s an event that grows each year, one of the biggest convention events on the east coast, it’s here to stay. Here is to all who enjoyed it and to all who made it happen, my hat is off to you.


Keep on creating.


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